Page name: Fantasy Critters United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-03 18:38:49
Last author: kanaseria
Owner: RenegadePhoenix
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Welcome to Fantasy Critters United

A place where your fantasy self or critter can frolick... We are also a little nuts too O_o


Let your imagination run free

Welcome To Fantasy Critters United a place where you can come and frolick with your fantasy critter or if your a fantasy critter yourself... We welcome anything and everything! So please don't be shy and just add yourself to the list below as a member and please take a badge and place it on your Elftown page. If you need any help with anything or have any questions please contact me through elftown I am [RenegadePhoenix]! Alright have fun, look around as things keep changing so keep coming back to check up on us! :P


I will be making new badges now and then, if you have any suggestions or wish to submit a badge please contact me [RenegadePhoenix] and I will see what I can do. Thanks everyone and enjoy the current badges







I'm doing a badge trade For Dragons United so please check it out if you like dragons! <img:>

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three contests geared towards all of our talented individuals in Fantasy Critters United. Stay posted for any updates, as well as to voluteer for various jobs. positions for badge makers, wiki creators, and much more are available. these individuals will also be placed upon a comitte that will help to develop future wiki ideas. message [kanaseria] if you're interested in helping

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2004-04-27 [RavenTalon]: Ya.I'm twelve and I know!Pornography=EwWw

2004-04-27 [Easterling]: I've got nothing against naked art... Pornography, well... yes, if it's tasteless. I found the [SKULLHEAD]'s picture tasteless. (It wasn't very good either...) I think it's good that there's a limit on what you could put up in your house... A while ago there was someone who changed all punk-list-banners to something that contained 'racism 4-ever' or something like that. It was changed automatically, and those who had the punk-list-banner didn't even notice it right away... That was taken away. Good, IMO. ... If there were no limits to what you could set up in your house -... well, some people don't feel the limits themselves, if you understand what I mean.

2004-04-27 [RavenTalon]: Ya...[SKULLHEAD]'s picture was kinda yucky...normal naked art's fine though.And without limits,this place would be a big jumble of chaos!AHHHH!

2004-04-27 [Easterling]: I know - there are dirty old men out there, for example... :)

2004-04-27 [RavenTalon]: Old men scare me

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: *shudder*

2004-04-27 [Easterling]: Mhm... Only think about all the chatrooms for teenagers - I've seen more than one documentary about pedofils hanging around, chatting with underagers. The most scary is that they can't understand that what they're doing is wrong. *shudders too*

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: I want to believe that i can look up to elder men because they're, well...elders...and because of my grandpas...but I don't like that feeling when older men stare at me and I know what they're thinking and.........*shudder*

2004-04-27 [Easterling]: Of course not all elders are like that... But I hate it when old men make comments like "that's a nice looking girl all right"... :P

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: *nods with furled brows*

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: Oh I know not everyone's like that, I'm just speaking about those particulars....

2004-04-27 [Easterling]: What if you end up like that - your husband likes more watching the goodlooking girls on tv than spending time with you? (O_O)... What do you do? Covers the tv dressed up like a Las Vegas show girl to regain the attention?

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: No, I'll pray that never happens and I won't downgrade myself to get attention. Hopefully my husband will be mature enough and faithful enough not to do that......I don't want to be a jealous wife....wait a minute....isn't this a fantasy creatures wiki? Maybe there should be a wiki on this particular subject......

2004-04-27 [Easterling]: Maybe. Called Future Wives or something *laughs*... No, I've promised myself not to degrade myself like that either.

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: Hehe....future wives....*sigh* wow.........well, i guess, in a way...even wives are fantasy a way mind you......;-) just trying to tie in wives and fantasy creatures.......

2004-04-27 [Easterling]: Wives... well, it's as unnatural as fantasy-creatures, that they stand those kinds of spoiled husbands who only watch tv all days... But future wives, well, let's hope that they can stand up for themselves in the future...

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: yes, me being a future wife (far future)....i will stand up for myself because I can't stand the way some men, not all, contrary to disbelief, feel like they need to be waited on while being a couch potato

2004-04-27 [Easterling]: My brother is spoiled like that... Once only me, him and my father were at home - my mother was working. She had told me that we should make ourselves some dinner - there were sausages to fry, for example. So, I cooked for myself - and then my brother came home. He didn't know how to fry his sausasge, so he asked me to do it. I was really surprised that he didn't know what to do - frying a hot dog must be one of the easiest things to do. My father's voice from the living room: "But you must HELP him!" ... Me: "My God, just put some oil in the pan and cook some macariones!" ... My brother took his car and went to Mc Donalds.

2004-04-27 [GraphicEntropy]: Hey, could you all take my poll? I feel so sad that no one has taken it. :(

2004-04-27 [Easterling]: Well *hugs legend* - I'll do it!

2004-04-27 [GraphicEntropy]: Yay! Dragon loves huggies!

2004-04-27 [Easterling]: Go to House of Hugs *blinks*

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: I'll take your poll too [GraphicEntropy] ^_^

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: many choices.....since Dragon has been voted on...I'll balance it out with Unicorn cause I adopted one [DawnUnicorn] ^_^

2004-04-27 [Easterling]: You've adopted [DawnUnicorn]?

2004-04-27 [RavenTalon]: lol

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: Yes ^_^ I've adopted [DawnUnicorn] and [pixish] ^_^

2004-04-27 [Tigress Nera]: did i miss something?

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: I'm not sure

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: You can adopt any creature you want. Just go to the adoption agency and follow the directions

2004-04-27 [Tigress Nera]: somethin mustve happened cuz i have no idea what's goin on. O.o

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: Just read the previous conversation wherever you left off

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: I don't really think you missed all that much though ^_^

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: Is there any criterions for being adopted?

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: nopers, you just go to the site, read the instructions, go through the adoptions, pick the one/s you want, and send a message to either of the people listed on who you would like to adopt. No limits to how many you can have

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: But how do I make someone adopt me?

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: *peeks out of corner. clears throat* i'm workin on a new story bout the origins of my rp character... under the same name but a blend of 2 characters i usually write about, kanaseria, an elf, n Trista, a vampire from my graveview story making it half elf half vampire. much fun 2 write. *goes back in corner*

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: What's wrong with you? *Sits down on the ground and starts singing a disco song from absolutly nowhere that has absolutly nothing to do with this conversation whatsoever*

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Have you checked out the adoption agency [Easterling]?

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: To be adopted, message [Lycaon pictus] with the kind of pet you want to be and a desctiption written in the first person, meaning....oh, I'm sure you know what that means...using "I" like you are the animal/being

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: I'd like to be a fuzzy pink spider.

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!.............had you up until the spider part.....*shudder*

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: Of course I'd be a nice one.

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Hope someone adopts you offense....I....just fear....spiders......eep

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: Ok. I understand. ... :)

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: *peeks out of corner again* spiders? where? run away!!!!!! *back in corner*

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: I know....i've been consciously darting my eyes around my room....don't want to find anything, but now I'm paranoid........feeling tinglies up my spine

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: If you're afraid of spiders, maybe you should stay away from the corner. I saw a pretty big one there before...

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: but... but it's MY corner *cries* kelly said i could have this corner n now it's infested by spiders! *runs to other corner* i'll stay here then

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: Just tell her that she has to find herself a new corner, then. If it's yours, it's yours.

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: u tell it... i just saw it, its HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *faints*

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: eep!, heck.....I can deal with a freakin spider......they won't harm me....most of them....but, geez.......they scare me so and i've been scared of them since I can remember

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: *goes over to the corner* EAST: "Hello, mrs Spider." MRS SPIDER: "Oh, hello dear." EAST: "I'm afraid that there has been a little misunderstanding. You got the wrong addres. You see - this is kanaseria's corner. Your corner is a few blocks away." MRS SPIDER: "Holy macaronies, do you mean that? Oh, I never mean to offend that little darling. Don't worry I'll move out right away." EAST: "Thankyou for being so understanding." *helps the spider family to move to the right corner, a few blocks away*

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Oh, don't tell me it's huge......I went to my freind's house once and walked into her house, there were two huge spiders on the floor........I ran and jumped,.....literally jumped over her couch. I don't know how I could've jumped that couch but I found myself on the other side of it and my friend said " just jumped the freakin couch!"

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: Ha ha!! Fear gives you superpowers, right?

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Dern skippy

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: My spider senses were tingling........actually, on jolt

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: :) I sometimes get stressed just because someone else is panicking... otherwise I just leave the spider alone and think it

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: is quite a nice company... Well, we don't have HUGE spiders here, and not poisionous either...

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: I didn't think we had huge ones either....until those ones at my friend's house....eep! Not quite tarantula size, but close.........oh, I don't like to kil spiders, or any other animal....i just usually shoo them outside......

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: Where do you live?

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Virginia

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Ahh, you're in Sweden ^_^

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: Mhm. I live close to the mayor..!! *smiles proudly*

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: the major of sweden or the major of Elftown? I forgot where the elftown major lives though....

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Ack, that's odd....all that talking about spiders and the The Legendary Hercules rerun today is called The Web of Desire.......ooooohhhhhhh

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: The mayor of Elftown - the beloved [Hedda] ... :)

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: ^_^ Yay! =^_^=

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: [the mayor's fan club@forum] :)

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: Oh crap! How do you make a link to a forum?

2004-04-28 [GraphicEntropy]: Hm. I dunno.

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: wouldn't work with @wiki, would it.........

2004-04-28 [Tigress Nera]: there's some1 in here who knows, maybe kanaseria

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: me? know something? u lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: hahahahaha

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: lol!

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: *hides back in corner*

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: You do that - it's all safe now - no spiders.

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: I could hug a spider!

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: Here in NY we only have shrimpy spiders...

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: Go to the corner a few blocks away, where Mrs Spider lives.

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: i have a pet spider that lives by my bed. her name is bob. *peeks from corner* its a brown wolf spider... i like some spiders but others freak me out

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: bob said i shouldn't go...

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: Wolf spiders r easy 2 find!Their eyes glow when they reflect light!These are one of the two venomous spiders that live near me:<img:>A brown recluse is deadly!But so cuuute!

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: look! it's bob! *waves*

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: I love those small black cuties that use to crawl on your wall...

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: You mean these?<img:>Also deadly!

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: ooo... i know what u mean... bob got rid of em... now i have only bob. she got rid of the cockroahes 2 *shudders*

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: HOLY FREAKIN HECK DON"T DO THAT TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: *watches bob crawl through room* go bob go!

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: SOrry lol...I fear no animals,because I have a pet Eastern jumping spider!!DreadRaven is sooo cute!I used to have others,but one layed eggs and I let all of them go because I was over run by little baby spiders cute...

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: I wanted a tarantella when I was 10-11, but I never got one... ... No, I don't mean black widows, we don't have posionous spiders like that over here.

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: I've already had one near fatal heart attack today....don't need another one when I'm just checking on conversation.....conversation over spiders is one thing but to not be expecting that when checking for updates............oh-my-goodness.....

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: Bob is cool!!

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: *feels sympathy for rose* ...

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: where'd bob go? *comes out of corner* bo! bob where r u!!!!!

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]:'s ok....just about jumped out of my skin though, lol

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Nooo prob non Bob......I'll just be wonderin' what to expect from you guys won't catch me off guard again

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: lol That's fine!I was bitten by a venomous spider when I was three...icky puss...

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: *crawls underneath table* BOB!!!!!!!!!!!! where r u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who has stolen u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-04-28 [Faelover]: please no details...*shivers*

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Bitten by a venomous spider? *shudder* geez......hehe, we're having two conversations at once....pretty cool :-D

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: i've never been bitten by a spider... but now i've lost bob!!!!!!!! *cries* bob!!!!! no!!!!!!!!!!

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: is kool,and never get off guard when you're asleep...they are eviiil...those dumb little attic was not deadly though...

2004-04-28 [Faelover]: r we? I thought kanaseria was just talking to herself ;-)

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: maybe i was *sticks out tongue*

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: *smiles* here's the species that DreadRaven is...<img:>

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Very funny

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Didn't surprise me this time :-P

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: I thought she was talking to her spider...

2004-04-28 [kanaseria]: ii wwas! bob no!!!!!

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: But I can't look at it without getting creeped out...too many eyes staring at me.....I already feel eyes on me..I don't need eight more.....

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: It's cute. :)

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: In a weird, twisted sorta

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: *Squints eyes to see if it enhances the appearance any*

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: nope

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: In time, perhaps I will learn to appreciate the spider for all it's.....i sound like one of those guys on a Wild Life the crocodile hunter, only.....spiders......

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: *dons voice* And this is one of the most poisonous spiders in the world...and i'm just going to provoke it just enough that it will attempt to bite me, because I can, and OH-MY-GOD, it almost bit my face off!!!!!!

2004-04-28 [Faelover]: i can talk about spiders but if one is loose in the room get out of my way cause im running out of there as fast as i can!

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: The crocodile hunter? You mean the crazy guy from australia who's travelling around chasing wild camels, cuddling crocodiles and taking care of snakes?

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: That's the one........and I feel ya [Faelover] ^_^

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: hm.... did everybody leave?...

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: Nope!

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: I looove my spider!She is cute!

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: It's always getting too late to get some sleep...

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: lol k...I have a wiki 4 people who aren't obsessed with spiders,but won't ever harm one!Spiders should be rulers of the world

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: ha ha! well, I don't know if even I would like that.... You know that if there were no birds or any others to eat flies, the flies would be so many that they'd cover the planet in a 3-meters deep layer.

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: hahahahahah....that's a long wiki title, but it works

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: You're still here? I think you all left, except for raventalon... :)

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: lol it's pretty cool actually!

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: I left for a spell to get food...they actually had my favorite food today...lasagna, so me happy ^_^ and in a little while i'll take a nap because I've been up long I can't even remember how long......

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: I should get some sleep, too - it's late. :P But well, ...

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Slept for about two to three hours in the last few days

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: ALright!

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: It's a wonder I don't look it in those pictures I just put up in my house this morning......

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: I could be a fantasy creature...the amazing insomniac Elf.....of course, that's not strange for an Elf........

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: Bye bYe...

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: I feel more like a grumbling troll right now... *LOL*

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: The little sleep factor......

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: cave elf

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: Me Picknose - you Cutter....

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: I..........guess so......*questioning look*

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: Elfquest.

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Ahhh...unfortunately, I don't follow it. I at least know what it is though

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: I started to read it after x-mas... Made me change my mind about elves.

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: Ah really? In what way?

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: I was always fed up with them. But I like the ones in Elfquest. No as tedious as other serious and solemn elves. .. Maybe I just had too much of Legolas during the LoTR-frenzy...

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: *pout* i like Legolas and that sort of elf but I'll tale a look at elfquest sometime to catch up to speed. I know Tolkien elves are definately not the only elves out there. Many many different races, types..........according to different stories/ accounts on them....

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: In Elfquest, they actually have feelings and sense of humour... And maybe Legolas do, too... :)

2004-04-28 [IndigoRose]: I'm sure too....I just don't really know if tolkien included sense of humor in elves......Peter Jackson added it in though.......anyway.....sounds intriguing ^_^. Well....I'm gonna head off to sleepy world land because my eyes are slits right now...........nighty night :-D

2004-04-28 [Easterling]: Tolkien seems like a pretty humourous man.... Nighy nighty! *hugs*

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: *under table still looking for bob* does any1 read the dragonlance series of books? those elves r the best... LoTR is 2 serious n dull 4 me, i like it best when they were battling, everything else seems so drawn out

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: I've heard that the dragonlance series are good, but I've never got to start reading them. I never find the first book in the library, either... :P

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Yeah. (Not to jump in or anything...) Tolken does seem to drag on a bit. Especially on things like scenery, you know? He describes every little curve in a river. Maybe he should draw more maps...

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: I just end up flipping through for dialogue... And now you're talking about something else... so ~thank you for your time. I'm here 'till Thursday. Tip your waitresses, and try the veal! G'night everybody!!!~

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: i know exactly what u mean. east u gotta try n find the dragonlance series. i finished the first book in 2 days (in comparison 2 the month it took me to finish fellowship of the rings *snores* boring)

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: He's a very good writer, it's no question about that. But sure, there are so many other fantasy-writers to care about.

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: *Enter musical score here*

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: But there are so many books I have on my "to read"-list...! :P What

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: But there are so many books I have on my "to read"-list...! :P What's the name of the first book?

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: ^_^ Ah, what a versatile group! ... No, I have never read the Dragonlance series (As far as I know)... But the name sounds strangely familliar... Has anyone read any Phillip Pullman? Amazing author...

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: What´s the name of his books?

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: first book of Dragonlance is "Dragons of Autumn Twilight* followed by "Dragons of winter night" n "Dragon's of spring dawning" *checks off on fingers*

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: ok... I'll keep my eyes open for them... :)

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Pullman wrote: "His Dark Materials"... A trilogy. It includes "The Golden Compass" "The Subtle Knife" then "The Amber Spyglass"... best books on the face of the planet (In my biased opinion, of course ^_^)

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: lol.. i think i mighta come across those in the bookstore (at least the second one i remember)... i'll hafta check em out

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: I'm going to look for the Dragonlance books in *Big announcer voice* "The glorious local public library" yeah. Home of the room with seven shelves... I do think I saw them there, though. Maybe that's why they sound so familiar...

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: lol. i have like 10 of the books, but there r many more... all good

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: Why does fantasy series have to be that long all the time?

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: its not a single series. theres alot of stories in the whole series, all different n by different writers (the best r margaret weiss n tracey hickman though) n it all goes under the name of the dragonlance series (the dragonlance is a weapon, a lance!) *teehee*

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: I know what you mean... Mcaffrey books, wow... There's like a million of 'em!! I have a few, and I'd like to get more, but I'm not sure what order they go in. Did she even write them in order? I dunno...

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: A series by many authors? That's neat! I've never heard of such a thing... I'll be sure to look into those!

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: What books are they?

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: The Mcaffrey ones? (I'm not even sure if I spelled her name right... actually, I believe it's McCaffrey. Yes. That's it.) She wrote the "Dragonriders of Pern" series. I don't even know how many books there are. So many...

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: same with dragonlance *sighs & looks at list of books on computer* wish i could get em all

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: Oh, I read the first book in that series...

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: not me... damn little bookstores in bermuda... must order books from internet

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: What is the first book? Is it the one about Menolly and her little fire lizard things? (Forgive me if that sounds totally bizarre...)

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: Isn't it about attacks from the Threads and all that? Or am I mixing two series with each other, here?

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: well i'm confused anyway

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: Me, too - seems like it. :)

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: I never understood what those Threads were....

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: lol... lets act like we're not confused

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Ah. I didn't know which one was the beginning. Now that I know it's the one with threads it makes a lot more sense ^_^ sorry about the fire lizard thing...

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: I'm not very good at acting.... :P

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: If I recall correctly (and I may not) Threads are these spore things that fall from the 'red planet' when Pern circles around close enough to it once in a while. To my understanding, they don't do anything but destroy everything in their path... pretty strange.

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: I act like I'm confused... Or not confused... or maybe I only act when I'm confused... Am I act not confused when I'm confused about acting confused?... Wait... I'm confused...

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: ur confused n i'm... ugh whats worst than confused?

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: Then, isn't the first book about that filthy young girl they found out is a.... something with the dragons...

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Oh, dear. I really don't know.. I don't think I've read the first book... I know what the Threads are because they're mentioned a whole lot. I was mixing up the Pern series with the Harper Hall series, which takes place on Pern, but it's somehow not really significant to the other books... yeah... A filthy youg girl? Nope, I haven't read that one (yet)... I'll keep looking though..

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: I'll be have to re-read that one - it was too long time ago... Is the series worth reading?

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: *smiles and nods* in case any1 wants 2 know, this is my completely lost face... hey did any1 find bob?

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: Well no.....  Do you know what I did today? I soiled cress... on cotton.

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Okay, now I'm lost... Who's bob? I dunno... The series is worth reading, even if you don't get them in order. There's usually a list of characters with explainations somewhere, so it isn't too hard to skip around...

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Soiled cress? On cotton?

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: It's a spider.... :) ....

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: I don't mean to sound stupid (or confused)... I guess it just happens on it's own...

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: Mhm. That green little things you have on your sandwich....

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Oh. You soiled a cress spider on cotton? Did you smoosh it on something cotton, therefore soiling the fabric, or am I just making myself sound stupid again? :)

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: <img:>

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